Climate Reality
Las Vegas Chapter


Our mission is to catalyze global solutions to the climate crisis by making urgent action a necessity across every level of society.

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TEDxFremontEastDistrict: 'Succor the Southwest'

Join us at Fergusons Downtown at Downtown Las Vegas for a day of fun and education. Listen to speakers, participate in activities, and learn more about what we can do take care of our planet.

Click here for event details

Official Website


Humans Unite TedX

Who We Are

Established in 2018, Climate Reality Las Vegas is a collective of earth conscious activists who prioritize policies and actions that mitigate climate damage. 

Some of Our Campaigns

Leadership Training 2022 - Team holding signs

the transition to a just, inclusive, and climate-sustainable economy will create millions of well-paying and safe jobs while improving public health outcomes for all.

Every person and every community has a right to breathe clean air, live free from the threat of toxic pollution, access healthy food and be a part of the prosperous clean energy economy of tomorrow.

Climate change is standing in the way of a healthy tomorrow for all of us. But we know that practical solutions are right in front of us. We can create a healthy, sustainable, and prosperous future by making a planet-wide shift from dirty fossil fuels to clean, reliable, and affordable renewable energy. At Climate Reality, we combine digital media initiatives, global organizing events, and peer-to-peer outreach programs to share this good news with citizens everywhere and build overwhelming popular support for policies that accelerate the global transition to a clean energy economy.

Join us in the fight to curb the climate crisis

Cassie speaking at 2022 training